How To Gain Weight Naturally

How to Gain Weight Naturally for Men & Women with Right Diet and Food

Do your friends call you “stick insect” because of your weight? Or, maybe you are aiming to be a superstar and have to bulk up for your latest acting job. ? It might be time to add a few kilograms of muscle to your frame. Wondering, how to gain weight naturally for men and women with right diet and food choices.
We can only wonder at Christian Bale’s superhuman abilities to drastically change his body mass. He can go from the emaciated, skeletal look from The Machinist to the larger than life figure of Batman and even the paunchy blob from American Hustle with seemingly effortless ease. It may be surprising to know that this is the result of a carefully designed diet plan.

Why is being underweight bad & Weight Gain is Essential

It is great to be thin. But if you are too thin, there might be some serious health issues that you are not aware of. While being lean is a sign of health, being underweight is a sign of malnutrition or some chronic health condition.
There are many products that promise to increase your weight in a few days, but those are dubious at best. It is better that you design a proper weight gain program that will help you reach your ideal weight without using any drastic steps.

How to know if I am underweight?

The Body Mass Index or BMI is considered the standard measurement for determining your ideal weight. While this is not regarded as a fool-proof measure of a person’s health, doctors and nutritionists use it as a primary measure to determine your body fat ratio.
You can use the BMI calculator here to find out what your ideal weight should be. In lay man’s terms, a BMI of under 18.5 is considered underweight.
For adults 20 years old and older, BMI is interpreted using standard weight status categories. These categories are the same for men and women of all body types and ages.
The standard weight status categories associated with BMI ranges for adults are shown in the following table.

Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal or Healthy Weight
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

How is BMI calculated?

BMI is calculated the same way for both adults and children. The calculation is based on the following formulas:
Formula: weight (kg) / [height (m)]2
With the metric system, the formula for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Because height is commonly measured in centimeters, divide height in centimeters by 100 to obtain height in meters.
Example: Weight = 68 kg, Height = 165 cm (1.65 m)
Calculation: 68 ÷ (1.65)2 = 24.98

Why Correct weight gain is essential

While a high amount of body fat can lead to serious illness, being underweight comes with its own set of problems. Being too thin is usually a sign of malnutrition, and can lead to loss of strength and immunity. If you are underweight, it can also be a sign of some hidden internal problem. (1)
Being underweight indicates some serious problems. Studies show that underweight people have a high mortality rate. Moreover, being underweight has serious psychological effects. It can add to a person’s anxiety and lead to increase in stress levels. (2)
Other studies show that elderly people who are underweight are more likely to get dementia. (3)
If you are underweight, consult a doctor immediately. If you are losing weight, it can mean that you are not getting enough nutrition, or you may have a health condition that you are unaware of. Talk to a doctor to find out your ideal weight and what you should eat to achieve it.
Pregnant women who are underweight are at a serious health risk zone. (4) Their children may be born before term and also be underweight. (5)

How to increase weight Naturally at Home: Essential Tips

Gaining weight doesn’t require you to stuff yourself with rich food. You will also need to do some physical exercise to build up muscle mass.
Some people just pile on protein supplements and gorge on junk foods or oily food to gain weight. This is not a healthy way, and can lead to a host of complications. Here are some tips for gaining weight.

What to eat to gain weight fast?

In order to lose weight, you must spend more calories than you consume. Similarly, in order to gain weight, you must increase your calorie intake such that you consume more than what you shed.
While fat accumulation is easy if you keep shoving unhealthy meals down your throat, the correct way to do it is to increase your muscle mass. This will help you stay healthy and achieve your weight goals.
Here are some foods that will help you gain weight.

Weight gain foods

1 Nuts and dry fruits for weight gain

Nuts are called “energy dense” food. These contain more calories relative to their weight. Nuts contain a high amount of fat- which is the reason they are used to make oil.
Studies show that nuts lower bad cholesterol or LDL levels. They can be stored for a long time, and have other health benefits as well. (6)

2 Dried fruits for weight gain

Dried fruits like prunes and dates are a great way to increase weight. Many doctors recommend having dried fruits to maintain a healthy weight during silver years. (7)

3 Peanut butter for weight gain

Peanut butter is a great high energy snack. Like any nut, peanut has a high amount of fat. To feel an instant boost, spread peanut butter generously n toast and eat. (8)

4 Milk and Dairy

Nothing helps you gain weight faster than full milk and dairy products. Studies show that having cheese, dairy products and milk help you gain weight faster. If you find simple milk unpalatable, add some health drink powder or honey to it.
You can also add cocoa to make hot chocolate, or make some porridge for breakfast. If you are wondering about how to gain weight during pregnancy, incorporating dairy products in your diet will help you. (9)

5 Dark chocolate

Of course, this may sound like the most appealing way to increase your weight, but it should not be made a meal substitute. Chocolates are high energy density foods. Studies show that eating chocolate is associated with gaining weight. (10)
However, the more the chocolate turns from dark to milky- the more sugar they have. This leads to other problems and tips your weight very fast into the realm of obesity.

6 White grain bread

White grain bread contains less fiber and is full of salt. Unlike whole grain breads, white bread contain a lot of carbohydrates, which are easily digestible and help you gain weight faster. (11)
Rice is a staple food all across the world, and is easily digestible. White rice, which contains negligible dietary fiber and a high amount of carbohydrates, is more likely to lead in increase in weight. (12)

7 Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in good fats, and has a high calorific value. Using extra virgin olive oil in your salads, or drizzling it on hummus and other dips will help you get weight fast. Similarly, you can have white bread dipped in olive oil for a tasty and high energy snack. (13)

8 Red Meat

Red meat is well known to be associated with weight loss. This means beef, pork, veal, mutton and lamb. Red meats are high energy foods which lead to rapid weight gain. However, it is better to carefully monitor your intake, since red meat consumption may also lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. (14)

9 Cheese

Cheese is a great high energy food and regular consumption can lead to weight gain. Talk to your doctor to find out your daily intake. But overall, high fat cheeses like cream cheese or malai paneer, cottage cheese or paneer, goat cheese and brie may be incorporated in your diet.

10 Potato

Nothing like potato for getting the starch in. Potatoes are versatile, and can be had in a number of ways. Studies show that potato consumption leads to long term weight gain in both men and women. (15)

In Conclusion

You would also need to exercise regularly to build up muscle mass. You must not go for cardio and do resistance or weight training if you want to bulk up. Gaining weight requires as much planning and monitoring as losing weight, so first chalk out a diet and exercise plan.
Remember, your aim should be to reach and maintain your ideal weight. So keep monitoring your diet and exercise routine to make sure you do not cross into the realm of “overweight” unknowingly.”

FAQs on How to increase weight Naturally at Home

Q1. What are the problems of being underweight?

Being too thin is usually a sign of malnutrition, and can lead to loss of strength and immunity. If you are underweight, it can also be a sign of some hidden internal problem. (1) Studies show that underweight people have a high mortality rate. Moreover, being underweight has serious psychological effects. It can add to a person’s anxiety and lead to increase in stress levels. (2)
Other studies show that elderly people who are underweight are more likely to get dementia. (3)

Q2. What is my ideal weight?

You can use the BMI calculator here to find out what your ideal weight should be. In lay man’s terms, a BMI of under 18.5 is considered underweight.

Q3. What are the dangers of being underweight for pregnant women?

Pregnant women who are underweight are at a serious health risk zone. (4) Their children may be born before term and also be underweight. (5)

Q4. How can I gain weight naturally at home?

In order to gain weight, you must increase your calorie intake such that you consume more than what you shed.

Q5. What are the foods that will help me gain weight naturally at home?

Here are some foods that can help you gain weight:

  • Nuts and dry fruits
  • Dried fruits
  • Peanut Butter
  • Milk and dairy
  • Dark chocolate
  • White grain bread
  • Rice
  • Olive oil
  • Red Meat
  • Cheese
  • Potatoes


  1. Assessing Your Weight CDC
  2. What is the impact of underweight on self-reported health trajectories and mortality rates: a cohort study NCBI
  3. BMI and risk of dementia in two million people over two decades: a retrospective cohort study NCBI
  4. Pregnancy and birth: Weight gain in pregnancy NCBI
  5. Childhood and maternal underweight WHO
  6. Nuts and your heart: Eating nuts for heart health Mayo Clinic
  7. Keeping your weight up in later life NHS
  8. Underweight Adults NHS
  9. Tracking your weight: For women who begin their pregnancy underweight CDC
  10. Eating chocolate is not exercise NHS
  11. Food and Diet Harvard Health
  12. The association between dietary intake of white rice and central obesity in obese adults NCBI
  13. If olive oil is high in fat, why is it considered healthy? Mayo Clinic
  14. Meat consumption is associated with obesity and central obesity among US adults NCBI
  15. Changes in Diet and Lifestyle and Long-Term Weight Gain in Women and Men NCBI
AUTHOR Anupama Singh

I am the founder of Vitsupp and have a bachelors in engineering. My family suffers from every lifestyle disease you can think of. Heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, hypothyroidism . . you name it and some one in my family has it. Trying to save myself and my family from our genetic disposition, I learnt much about nutrition, exercise and lifestyle diseases. Certificate in "Diabetes – The Essential Facts" by University of Copenhagen

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