Chia Seeds Benefits and side effects

Chia Seeds Benefits, Nutrition & Side Effects

Chia seeds are a superfood. People in India are slowly getting used to this superfood due to amazing chia seeds benefits. They are a concentrated food containing healthy proteins, fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, calcium and antioxidants. It is considered […]

Fenugreek - Benefits Uses & Side effects

Fenugreek Seeds Benefits, Uses, Side Effects and Interactions

Most Asian households have a jar of fenugreek seeds somewhere in the kitchen cabinets or a bunch of its leaves stores in the refrigerator. Yes, that makes your food tasty, but you will be surprised by the fenugreek seeds benefits […]

benefits of eating drumstick benefits and side effects

Drumstick Leaves, Flowers & Seeds Health Benefits and Side Effects

Every street in Indian villages has a drumstick tree (Moringa Oleifera Tree). And if you happen to enter a kitchen, you will most certainly find the Drumstick vegetable (slender, long green seed pods). People in India swear by the health […]

what is chia seeds in hindi name

Chia Seeds in Hindi – चिया सीड के लाभ, नुकसान और दुष्प्रभाव

चिया बीज एक सुपरफूड हैं। आप यहाँ सारी जानकारी ले सकते हैं  चिया सीड (Chia Seeds in Hindi) के लाभ, नुकसान और दुष्प्रभाव के बारे मैं। इनमे प्रोटीन, फाइबर, ओमेगा-3 फैटी एसिड, कार्बोहाइड्रेट, कैल्शियम और एंटीऑक्सिडेंट की बहुत अच्छी मात्रा […]

Chia Seeds Protein Pancake

Chia Coconut Protein Pancakes Recipe – Gluten Free

Chia seeds are considered to be one of the few functional foods that can be effective in controlling obesity, the prevention of metabolic syndrome, and subsequently, the onset of cardiovascular diseases and type II diabetes mellitus. They are easy to […]

how to take fenugreek seeds for weight loss

How to Eat Fenugreek Seeds for Weight Loss

Fenugreek is a common ingredient in most Indian kitchens. Whether it is fenugreek seeds or fenugreek leaves, it makes for some really special dishes.  But can these humble yellow seeds address your weight-loss woes? If yes, how to eat fenugreek […]

Grape Seed Extract, a Super Antioxidant

Grape Seed Extract, a Super Antioxidant

Most of us particularly kids like the Green or Black or red colour grapes for its sweet and juicy pulp and juice. However most of us always look for seedless grapes. However do you know that seeds of grapes have […]

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