Natural Vitamin D foods for Vegetarians and Nonvegetarians

Natural Vitamin D Rich Foods for Vegetarians & Non-Vegetarians

Today almost everyone is looking for natural Vitamin D Rich foods as they are not able to obtain requisite Vitamin D from sunlight. We have a global Vitamin D deficiency. That’s not something I say, its the numbers!– Today 65% […]

Low Vitamin D and Weight Gain

Is Low Vitamin D making you gain weight?

“All women who supplemented with 100,000 IU of Vitamin D per month achieved sufficient Vitamin D status & lost an average of 5.39 kg in six months.” Study on Low Vitamin D and Weight Gain A recent study conducted at […]

14 diseases caused by VITAMIN D deificiency

14 Diseases caused by Vitamin D Deficiency

Fact 1: Did you know that approximately One Billion people are Vitamin D deficient worldwide? Fact 2: Did you know that a study in the U.S. has shown that more than 50% of children under the age of 12 are […]

Everything about vitamin D

Vitamin D and All that you need to know about it

Vitamin D is responsible for Increasing calcium and phosphorus in the blood via internal absorption, bone resorption and renal tubular absorption in the kidney. Learn All about Vitamin D.

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