As per our internal research almost 22% people in India are consuming supplements and this number is expected to rise in near future. If you are searching for this post I can safely assume that you want to know “why …
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Real Vitamin C facts – You do not know
Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid, or simply ascorbate is an essential nutrient for humans. It is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development.
…WeightLoss Program for those who can't lose weight.
How can I remove full body fat at home. Can any one suggest me a good diet and exercise? (pure vegetarian)
This article is only for those who do not lose weight easily. For those who have tried various diets …
Autism Apps for Communication and Education for Children with Autism
We all are always in search for ways to teach our children . Research now has proved that Ipad is the ideal learning medium for special needs children, specifically those who are non-verbal. Here are some autism apps for kids …
Is it healthy to eat Chapati or Bread everyday?
Nowadays, most Indians (just like Americans) consume an enormous amount of grains primarily in the form of wheat chapatis, puris or ready-made bread. As most of us face serious health concerns, therefore we always wonder:
Is it healthy to eat
…What is Celiac disease?
Many health-conscious people today are aware of heart ailments, diabetes, digestive and kidney diseases. However, not many people know about celiac disease.
It is estimated that one in every 100 people suffer from this medical condition. The main culprit responsible …