Everyone seems to be talking about apple cider vinegar. It’s not hard to come across fitness experts, health care professionals, and even your grandmother, tout the benefits of apple cider vinegar to treat an array of health issues. But what should be the right apple cider vinegar dosage for it?
Apple Cider Vinegar is being used as a health tonic to treat various ailments like diabetes, cholesterol, infections, and even hair fall. Thus, it is safe to say that apple cider vinegar is more than just a salad dressing. Given its popularity in recent years, apple cider vinegar seems to be the answer to every medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
However, any medicine can turn into poison, if not consumed in the right way and with the right amounts. Different issues should be treated with the appropriate dosage of apple cider vinegar. Here, we’ll tell you the right dosage of apple cider vinegar you should be having…
What is apple cider vinegar?
Commonly used as a salad dressing or even as a health tonic, apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made from the fermentation of crushed cider apples.
Two fermentation processes are involved in turning the juice of the cider apples into vinegar. In the first process, the juice of cut and crushed cider apples are extracted and turned into alcohol. In the second process, bacteria that help with the formation of acetic acid is introduced. This turns the alcohol into vinegar. (19)
The most prominent taste of apple cider vinegar is its sourness, and this is due to the presence of malic acid and acetic acid.
Now two types of apple cider vinegar are commonly available at stores. One is the unfiltered version that contains something known as the ‘mother’ of vinegar. This is rich in enzymes and minerals. It forms a cloud-like substance. The other type of vinegar is the filtered vinegar, that does not have the mother. This has a more transparent appearance than its unfiltered counterpart. (20)
Apple cider vinegar is not just a culinary speciality. It has several health benefits, as well. This drink is excellent for weight loss, to manage blood sugar levels, treat indigestion, and reverse the effects of PCOS. Certain studies also show that apple cider vinegar can help improve cardiovascular health, prevent infections, and help kill cancer cells. However, there is minimal evidence to completely back this up. Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent cosmetic product, as it can keep both hair and skin healthy. (1)
What is the right Apple Cider Vinegar Dosage per day?
While we’ve established the fact that apple cider vinegar does have several health benefits, it is imperative to know the right dosage when it comes to its consumption and application as well.
Several factors come into play while the dosage of apple cider vinegar is concerned. It depends on the state of health, your history of medical conditions, and for what you are using it. Let’s go into detail about the appropriate dosage of apple cider vinegar…
ACV Dodage for weight loss
When it comes to weight loss, apple cider vinegar has been stealing the limelight for a while now. This is primarily attributed to the fact that apple cider vinegar can suppress your appetite. It can also delay the time that is taken for your food to leave the stomach.
In one study that was conducted on a few obese Japanese participants, it was noticed that the daily consumption of apple cider vinegar has a positive impact on their weight. By the end of the 12-week study, there was a reduction in the waist circumference, the overall body mass index, and the percentage of fat in the body.
Apple cider vinegar dosage for weight loss
The recommended dosage for weight loss is 15 to 30 ml per day. Drinking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning can help with your metabolism as well. (2)
Apple cider vinegar for diabetes dosage
One of the many health benefits of apple cider vinegar is its ability to manage blood sugar levels. One of the major causal factors of diabetes is insulin resistance. Apple cider vinegar, particularly before the intake of a high carb meal, can prevent the sudden increase in blood sugar levels.
That is not all. Apple cider vinegar can also help increase the sensitivity to insulin. This way, it helps the body process glucose from your bloodstream into your cells.
Apple cider vinegar dosage for diabetes
To manage blood sugar levels, it is recommended to take 20 ml or four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water. However, this is to be followed for about 30 minutes before a high-carb meal. As far as a high-fat or high-fibre meal is concerned, no prominent effects were noticed. (3)
Apple cider vinegar dosage for PCOS
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a fairly common condition that affects women who have reached their child-bearing age. Few symptoms associated with it are ovarian cysts, high levels of androgen, irregular menstrual cycles, and resistance to insulin.
In a study that was conducted, it was observed that one tablespoon or 15 ml of apple cider vinegar, along with around 100 ml or 7 ounces of water, helped regularize periods and improved hormonal conditions in women with PCOS.
To manage PCOS, the recommended dosage is 15 ml of apple cider vinegar, diluted in 100 ml of water. Make sure you take this daily after your dinner. (4)
Apple cider vinegar digestion dosage
Apple cider vinegar can help with digestion, particularly after a meal that is high on protein. It is acidic in nature. This means it helps the body release a particular enzyme that is known as pepsin. This , in turn, can help break down your protein-rich food.
However, there is not enough evidence to support this fact. In a conflicting study, scientists observed that apple cider vinegar is also responsible for slowing down the time it takes for food to leave the stomach.
Typically, to help with digestion, it is recommended to consume around 15 to 30 ml of apple cider vinegar diluted in water, before meals. (5)
Apple cider vinegar dosage for tinnitus
Tinnitus is a common condition that is characterized by a buzzing or ringing noise in the ears. This medical condition affects close to 15 per cent to 20 per cent of the population.
Essentially, tinnitus is not a medical disorder by itself, but a symptom or sign of another underlying cause. It may indicate an issue with the circulatory system, hearing loss caused by old age, or an ear infection and injury.
Apple cider vinegar has been used to treat tinnitus, however, you should know that there is only anecdotal evidence to support this. There is no strong scientific evidence to prove the positive effects of apple cider vinegar for tinnitus.
Some people who have used apple cider vinegar for this disorder have experienced relief. Now, as mentioned above, tinnitus is usually a sign of an underlying condition.
If tinnitus happens due to an ear infection, then the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar can heal the infection, thereby treating tinnitus as well.
Sometimes, people who are diabetic experience tinnitus as well, when there is an increase in the blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar can regulate the blood sugar levels on your body, which in turn can treat tinnitus.
Always consult with your doctor before you take apple cider vinegar for tinnitus. To make ear drops with apple cider vinegar, you will require warm water and apple cider vinegar. Mix both together in equal parts, and gently add a few drops in your ears. (7) (8) (9)
Apple cider vinegar dosage for candida
Research suggests that apple cider vinegar is useful in treating candida. Candida is essentially a variety of yeasts that are found in the human body. It can cause various infections. Usually, candida occurs around the lining of the mouth, intestines, and the vagina.
Apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties that can treat infections, including candida. A study conducted in 2018 proved that apple cider vinegar, when used in a mildly diluted or undiluted form, could inhibit the growth of yeast or candida.
To treat candida with apple cider vinegar, you can sprinkle some to your salad dressings, or drink apple cider vinegar daily. For this, mix one spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. You can also make black tea, and add apple cider vinegar to it. Black tea contains something known as polyphenols, which can also inhibit the growth of bacteria. (10) (11)
Apple cider vinegar dosage for cholesterol
Studies have been conducted to prove that apple cider vinegar is effective in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in your body. Additionally, it can also lower the levels of triglycerides and serum cholesterol.
To consume apple cider vinegar for lowering the levels of cholesterol in your body, begin with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water every day. (12) (13) (14)
Apple cider vinegar UTI dosage
Urinary Tract Infections, as the name suggests, is an infection in your urinary system. Apple cider vinegar, with its anti-bacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, can help treat this condition.
Make sure you consult your doctor before you go ahead with this remedy. To consume apple cider vinegar for treating urinary tract infections, dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. A glass of water is around eight ounces. Drink this mixture around eight times, till you get relief.
Drinking apple cider vinegar with water as often as eight times a day will also make you urinate more, which in turn can help flush out any toxins or harmful bacteria from your body. (15)
Apple cider vinegar arthritis dosage
If you are suffering from arthritis, then you might want to give apple cider vinegar a try. Arthritis is a medical condition wherein the joints in your body begin to swell and hurt. It is an inflammatory condition.
A few people who suffer from arthritis have claimed that apple cider vinegar does indeed provide relief from the pain and swelling. However, this is based on anecdotal evidence, and there is no scientific proof to back this up.
To treat arthritis with apple cider vinegar, you could begin by adding a few drops of apple cider vinegar to your diet. For example, use apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing. (16)
Apple cider vinegar dosage for uric acid
When your body breaks down a particular substance known as purines, it produces uric acid. A high level of uric acid in your body can lead to several health complications, like gout and kidney stones. (21)
There is no scientific evidence that suggests the positive effect of apple cider vinegar on uric as levels in your body.
However, apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties, which can to an extent help with conditions related to uric acid like gout. In fact, apple cider vinegar was a common home remedy for treating gout, in the early nineteenth century.
Folk wisdom suggests that you have one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water, to lower the levels of uric acid in your body. Make sure you consult your doctor before going ahead with this. (17)
Apple cider vinegar for allergies dosage
Essentially, an allergy occurs when your immune system fights back or reacts to a substance that does not agree with your body.
There is no strong evidence or research to prove that apple cider vinegar can help treat allergies, however, apple cider vinegar has a few properties that might suggest that it can in a way, treat an allergic reaction.
For instance, apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties. During an allergic attack, it can soothe the inflammation in your body, thereby helping you manage an allergy.
However, make sure you consult your doctor before you consume apple cider vinegar to treat an allergic attack, as it may aggravate the condition. Apple cider vinegar can also irritate your body in some cases, thanks to its caustic and acidic nature. (18)
Dosage of apple cider vinegar for varicose veins
An experiment conducted on a certain group of patients suffering from varicose veins revealed that the application of apple cider vinegar helped in providing the relief from the pain, edema, irritation, pigmentation, ulceration, fatigue, and other symptoms of the disease.
The patients were asked to apply the apple cider vinegar on the affected region and keep it covered using a cloth for about 30 minutes twice a day for a month along with the doctor’s treatment.
On the completion of the test, the statistical data showed that there was decrease in the pain, fatigue, edema, itching, pigmentation, and cramps as compared to the patients who were not asked to apply the vinegar.
Acetic acid is the most important component of the apple cider vinegar. Other components include pectin, polyphenols, carotenoids. These constituents have the prebiotic and antibacterial activity which results in the health benefits.
Thus, it can be concluded that the harmonising function of apple cider vinegar increases the effect of other routine treatments. No reliable data were found regarding the dose of this drug. (Source 1, source 2)
Apple cider vinegar high blood pressure dosage
Studies show that ACV can play a role in lowering your blood pressure levels. However, while you try out apple cider vinegar dosage for high blood pressure, you should do it along with other treatments and lifestyle changes.
As on date, most of the studies on ACV’s impact on High Blood Pressure is done on animals and not people. The initial results show a positive effect, though more reserach needs to be done. (Source 1, source 2)
Consumption of ACV may lead to the following
- Lowering renin activity: In one study on rats, ACV consumtion led to reduced renin activity, which may have caused the lowered blood pressure.
- Lowering blood glucose: In another study consumption of ACV led to lowering of blood glucose in rats. It is believed that it might help lower blood pressure as well.
- Lowering weight: Consumption of ACV may lead to lowered salt consumption and can help you lower blood pressure.
- Lowering of cholesterol levels: A 2012 study showed that consuming apple cider vinegar over eight weeks led to lower cholesterol. Consumption of ACV may be able to lower both cholesterol and blood pressure.
ACV Dosage for High Blood Pressure
To lower blood pressure you may take three teaspoons per day (in 3 seperate dosages) by adding 10 to 30 times water.
Side effects of apple cider vinegar
While we’ve spoken highly of the benefits of apple cider vinegar, it is worth noting that this health tonic can also have a few side effects, particularly if taken in excess. Listed below are a few side effects that you have to keep in mind before consuming apple cider vinegar –
Can corrode tissues
Apple cider vinegar is acidic. It has acid properties that can burn or erode the muscles of your body, both externally through application and internally through consumption.
Scientists found that a woman damaged her throat and stomach tissues significantly after consuming apple cider vinegar. She did so to get rid of a throat infection, but it damaged her internal tissues in the process. (23)
Can lower potassium levels in your body
Potassium is crucial for your muscles and nerves. Hypokalemia is a condition in which the body suffers from low levels of potassium. It is best that people who suffer from this do not consume apple cider vinegar. (22)
Can cause gastrointestinal issues
Apple cider vinegar can negatively affect that gastrointestinal system in some cases. It can cause gastroparesis, a condition in which food takes longer than usual to leave the stomach.
A study found that consuming apple cider vinegar adversely affected people who suffer from diabetic gastroparesis. It reduced their gastric emptying rates and adversely affected their blood sugar levels. (24)
Being acidic in nature, excessive consumption of apple cider vinegar can cause acidity and acid reflux.
Damage tooth enamel
Drinking apple cider vinegar can erode tooth enamel as well. Several oral problems like cavities and tooth decay can occur if the enamel is destroyed. Prolonged exposure or rinsing your mouth with apple cider vinegar can even burn your mouth, so make sure you use a straw while drinking apple cider vinegar. (25)
Apple Cider Vinegar tablets dosage
Avoid taking apple cider vinegar tablets as most of the research that exists, is conducted on its liquid form. If you still want to try apple cider tablets, do so under professional medical advice.
Avoid large amounts of apple cider vinegar. Too much of anything can be bad for you, and the same is true for apple cider vinegar as well. Always start with small amounts, to see if your body has any negative reactions to it.
Even though apple cider vinegar is chock-full of health benefits, it is no substitute for professional medical treatment. If you’re trying to use this to control your diabetes or any other disease, avoid doing so. Always consult your healthcare professional. (6)
In conclusion
Apple cider vinegar can treat diabetes, tinnitus, urinary tract infections, high cholesterol levels, heart ailments, polycystic ovary syndrome, and aid in weight loss. However, it is essential to know the right amount of apple cider vinegar that you need to consume before you decide to do so.
If you experience any of the above-mentioned side effects, make sure you consult a doctor at the earliest. If you are suffering from a particular medical condition, or if you are under any medication of sorts, make sure you tell your doctor before you consume apple cider vinegar, to avoid any adverse reactions that might cause you harm.
Q1 What is apple cider vinegar dosage for erectile dysfunction?
At this point of time there is no research to prove if ACV cures or treats erectile dysfunction. However, it is found in several studies that regular consumption of ACV may help in issues such as diabetes, heart disease, or obesity. These problems are known to cause erectile dysfunction.
Therefore, it is assumed that regular consumption of ACV may help you experience benefits to your health overall, including erectile dysfunction.