Why switch to ghee

Why switch to ghee

The following article has been published in the TIMES OF INDIA on Apr 5, 2015 When cooking, it can be unhealthy to heat polyunsaturated oils such as vegetable oils to high temperatures. Doing so creates peroxides and other free radicals. […]

Signs & Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Signs & Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is usually progressive, meaning that it may take years to develop. And when it does the symptoms may manifest differently for different people, depending upon age, gender and genetic vulnerabilities of its victims. The severity of the […]

Stress - The most endemic cause of Nutritional Deficiency

Stress – The most endemic cause of Nutritional Deficiency

Stress is commonplace today, however what most do not know is that Stress is the most endemic cause of Nutritional Deficiency. Stress of any kind, physical or emotional: fear, anxiety, anger, tension, nervousness, hot or cold, loud noises (including loud […]


Why Food as Medicine is not enough Today

Hippocrates following statement explains the importance of the role of food as medicine. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. One of Hippocrates forgotten (and skeptical) students also said that Who said anything about medicine? Let’s eat! […]

Chewing Gum Causes Nutritional Deficiency

Chewing Gum Causes Nutritional Deficiency

Chewing Gum as a category is not only growing in terms of business value and volume but also in terms of number of consumers. Chewing gums have now moved on from being popular among kids to adults. Needless to say […]


6 Key Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency & Recovery

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin. This means that it doesn’t stay in the body for a long period of  time and that more frequent support with Vitamin B12 may be needed to maintain healthy Vitamin B12 levels in […]

Soft Drinks Causes Nutritional deficiency

Soft Drinks Causes Nutritional deficiency

Soft Drinks have long been associated with excessive sugar content and thereby obesity. However what many do not know if that consumption of soft drinks causes nutritional deficiency. What is Soft Drink Soft Drink is a drink that typically contains […]

WeightLoss Program for those who can't lose weight.

WeightLoss Program for those who can't lose weight.

How can I remove full body fat at home. Can any one suggest me a good diet and exercise? (pure vegetarian) This article is only for those who do not lose weight easily. For those  who have tried various diets […]

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